It's Not In The Training, But In The Aiming!

According to the theory of aerodynamics, the butterfly should be able to fly as fast as the bumble bee, and the bumble bee should not be able to fly at all. The reason being is that the butterfly has a small, light body and a large wing-spread, while the bumble bee has a short, stubby body, heavy and awkward in design, with practically no wing-spread at all. Yet, the bee is not acquainted with the laws of the theory of aerodynamics, so in his ignorance, he goes ahead and flies anyway.

Similarly, while the “expert” butterfly saints stand around and say it’s not possible to increase Bible class and worship attendance, bumble bee saints do not know about the impossibility of such a thing, so they go ahead and do it anyway.

The butterfly saints have the wing-spread, the beauty, and the talent. They have the ability and the know-how to get the job done. They are very well-trained and capable. They have both opportunity and backing, but they don’t get results. They just flit around, look lovely, and make splendid impressions, but nothing ever happens.

We ask, “Why the difference in the results?” Folks, it’s not in the training, but in the aiming! Have we ever been directly hit by a butterfly? If we have been, it was an accident on the part of the butterfly — he didn’t intentionally hit us. But if we’ve ever been hit by a bumble bee,  it was no accident! He intentionally aimed at us! He put some power and energy behind his aim and got immediate results!

Beloved brethren, as members of the Lord’s church, we too can get immediate results if, like the bumblebee saints, we focus our power and energy in aiming for bigger and better things for Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB; cf. Proverbs 4:23-27 NASB).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
