On Losing A Spouse

"No one know the anguish he suffers,
Or the thousand deaths he dies each day.
Mem’rys linger everywhere he looks,
But his “other half” has passed away.

Her squeaky lounge is not silent,
Yet her old wall clock chimes ev’ry hour.
She left life in their September years,
Yet April’s love was still in flower.

He lives with a heart torn asunder,
Tears well up and cascade to the floor.
Life must continue although it’s strange
Living as half-a-person once more.

Their love was golden like autumn leaves,
Filling the world with beauty untold.
He prays to God for strength to endure,
Life without her love while growing old.

He greets the world with a polished smile,
While longing to feel her touch once more.
Please don’t say to him, “I understand”,
Unless you’ve walked in his shoes beforeBarbara Cagle Ray (see pg. 23). Also see blog bio.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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