Seeing Through The Eye Of Faith

In listening to daily news reports of mischief, murder, and mayhem, isn’t it refreshing to hear some good news for a change? In Micah’s day, many people in Israel were eager to hear some good news. The ruthlessness and dishonesty of fellow-citizens, rulers, and even judges were extremely frightening (Micah 7:2-3).

The society of that day and time was so fractured that people could not even trust their closest friends or relatives (Micah 7:5-6). The decent citizens hoped the prophet would tell them that a revival would soon bring about a great change in their land. But instead, he had to tell them that God’s judgment was at hand. The Assyrians would soon invade (Micah 7:1-13).

The outlook during that day and time looked gloomy, but it was certainly far from being hopeless. Micah saw beyond the judgment to a time when the nation would return to God and be blessed (Micah 7:14-20). Some may have called him a pessimist, but he was in reality, a realist.

We too can be hopeful realists. Through the eye of faith, we can see past the present negativism and see the good news of the eternal glory that awaits us (2 Corinthians 4:8-18).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
