Two Questions For God

The following two questions that the prophet Jeremiah asked God, have been asked countless times throughout the ages: “Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are those happy who deal so treacherously?” (Jeremiah 12:1).

God’s answer can only be found “in the sanctuary” (Psalm 73:17), “a place of meditation on God and His word. A spiritual place of prayer and worship, where one comes to understand who God is” (see Southside article).

The answer is that the wicked won’t prosper very long – theirs is a temporary state. In fact, “those who are far from You [God] shall perish” (Psalm 73:27) – they are presently walking on “slippery places” (Psalm 73:18), and they will have an end (Psalm 73:19,27).

God will render judgment on these folks in His time (Romans 12:19), thus patience on our part is required, totally trusting in God, and being guided by His counsel (Psalm 73:22-24).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
