The Importance Of A Simple Word Or Deed

Whatever we do or fail to do and say in life, has such subtle and far-reaching influence, that we can never predict with accuracy what the results will be (Genesis 50:14-21). Our shadows fall where we may never be (Hebrews 11:4). A simple word or deed may set in motion forces that change the history of the world (cf. Esther 3-8).

Even our reactions to what is said and done in this life, either help or hinder the progress of the world by small degrees.

So interdependent are we, that we are dependent upon each other, and one deed depends upon another (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Think about the idea that our present thinking and circumstances have been determined by a series of previous decisions (see the life of JosephGenesis 37-50).

The Chinese philosopher Confucius once observed:

When the heart is set aright, the personal life is cultivated. When the personal life is cultivated, then the family is regulated. When the family is regulated, the national life is orderly. When national life is orderly, then there is peace in this world” (source).

Dear reader, let's think about it! (see article).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
