Today Is Ours

The story is told of a father who taught his boys a practical life lesson by tying a large bundle of wood with a cord. None of the boys could lift it, much less carry it. Then the father untied the bundle and gave each boy a stack of wood which could easily be carried to the house.

In like manner, our loving heavenly Father has mercifully untied the bundle of the multiple days of our life, and given them to us one day at a time. He knows the frailty of our humanity (Psalm 103:13-14), and thus gives us sufficient strength to carry only the burden of today.

It is when we try to lift the load of yesterday, the burden of today, and then borrow the cares of tomorrow that our strength is not sufficient, and then we begin to fall under the heavy load.

With the Lord’s help, we can successfully lift our burdens today (Philippians 4:13). Beloved, Today is ours. Tomorrow and Yesterday belong to God.

Thus, let us remember: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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