Replacing Face-To-Face Interaction With Technology

As I was reading this Forbes article, emphasizing the replacement of face-to-face interaction with technology, I thought about what might be the causing factor of this change, and have come to the conclusion that the causing factor is a lack of trust in our fellow man. Simply stated, because of deceitful individuals who lie, when it would be better to tell the truth, no one can trust anyone. And sad to say, this ungodly state of mind will only get worse as time goes on.

In writing to Timothy, Paul states, regarding the society of his day:

"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." This is the same society Paul talks about in Romans 1:29-32, describing those who were "untrustworthy" (vs. 31).

The society that I grew up in as a boy (1940's - 50's), was a society that for the most part, trusted one another. A man's word was his bond and whatever he said he would do, he fulfilled his obligation to do it. There were no paper contracts to sign, as the shaking of an individual's hand was the contract. Not so in today's disconnected and untrustworthy society.

Today's digital society of long distance communication with other individuals without knowing them on a personal level, i.e., Facebook/Twitter, has caused a severe disconnect in personal face-to-face interaction, and thus has caused a lack of personal trust. Without trust, the teaching of the saving gospel of Christ to the lost, will become more challenging than ever before.

What can be done to alleviate this problem?

Here are three suggestions.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
