A Visible "Color" Of Our Spirituality

God has provided us with a total of 168 hours every week. Assuming we attend Sunday morning Bible class, Sunday morning and evening services, and Wednesday evening Bible study, we spend approximately four hours a week attending church services.

But how are we spending those other 164 hours? The four hours we spend in attending the scheduled services of the church only equals 2 percent of our God-allotted time. What about the other 98 percent? We need to consider the fact that our spiritual character and depth are going to be greatly influenced by what we are doing during the remaining 98 percent of our time.

Studies have indicated that in the average household, the television set is on at least five hours per day. That time alone amounts to 35 hours a week or 20 percent of our week. If we spend the remaining non-working portion of our allotted time reading cheap novels, looking at Hollywood  scandal magazines, running from store to store trying to find the latest “bargain,” gabbing on the telephone, and spending our time in other God-forgetting pursuits, is it any wonder why we can’t maintain our daily commitment to God?

For a visible “color” or condition of our spirituality, let us take a glass arid eyedropper and put in 164 drops of clear water. Then put four drops (or three or two or one, depending on how many services we attend per week) of ink or food coloring. The paleness of the color should tell us something about the depth of our spiritual character and commitment.

Beloved, let us spend the greater part of those other 164 hours that God has provided us in prayer, Bible study, and godly pursuits. If we will do these things, our spiritual life will take on “new color” (Matthew 6:33; Colossians 3:1-3; Hebrews 12:1-2).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
