"I Don't Hear A Squeak"

As this blog writer views it, one of the major reasons why the church is not growing, is because of the simple fact that members no longer personally (in person) communicate with one another as they did before the advent of smartphones (and other digital forms of communication).

Many times, days go by when "I don't hear a squeak" out of any member of the Lord's church, just to say "hello, how are you doing?" or "what's been going on in your life this week?" If there is any conversation at all, whether in person or by telephone, I have to initiate it. The only time I hear from any member of the church, is when they experience some kind of emergency in their lives.

I can only imagine what God must feel like when His children do not communicate with Him on a daily basis, but only communicate when there is an emergency of some kind. I feel certain that He voices the same concern I do, "I don't hear a squeak" from brother or sister so-and-so.

Beloved, this attitude of heart ought not to exist in the Lord's church, for we are considered to be God's family and as such, heirs of God (Romans 8:14-17). Do not family members communicate with one another? Sad to say, as this article and video indicates, not so much.

As God's children, perhaps we ought to take a course in acquiring better communication skills, one of those being taking the initiative to better and more effectively communicate with other family members as well as God Himself (Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT; cf. Acts 12:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:10-13; Ephesians 6:17-18 KJV).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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