Some Mysteries We Need To Solve

The following above titled article was written by brother Dan Gibson, former preacher for the Montana Street congregation. In his article, brother Gibson has seen a few mysteries that bother him, and should bother us as well (I have added appropriate Scriptures and article links):

There are some mysteries that really bother me and I would like to share them with you. Do these mysteries bother you too?

1) The mystery of the empty pew  The freedom to worship apparently is interpreted as freedom from worship.
2) The mystery of the disappearing church member  Some move and disappear without a trace. No one knows where they live.
3) The mystery of the unaccompanied child  Many children are sent along with other children and dropped off by a parent or grandparent who does not attend Bible study and worship.
4) The mystery of the closed Bible  In many homes, the Bible is left on a table or shelf to gather dust. It is not allowed to speak to the family, which needs its spiritual message on a "daily" basis (Acts 17:11).
5) The mystery of the buried talents  Many of our church members have the ability to serve, yet they hide their talents, refusing to use them for God (Matthew 25:24-30).
6) The mystery of the uncommitted dollar  How does a person who professes faith in Christ get everything converted but his pocketbook?
7) The mystery of the grumbling saint  With so much going for him (Ephesians 1:3), how can the Christian develop a griping, complaining attitude?
8) The mystery of the misused day  Some Christians use a beautiful Sunday for everything except the worship and praise of God (Acts 20:7).

Someone has said, “A member never belongs to the church unless the work of the church belongs to him.” It is never “my church” as long as it is “those people” who are keeping it going. Where the treasures of energy and thought are, there will the heart be also (Matthew 6:19-21).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
