"What Difference Does It Make?"

As I was taking my morning walk today, I thought about Hillary Clinton's now infamous question before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee, with regard to four Americans being murdered in the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012. I also noticed this morning in the news that the same Hillary Clinton, who is presently running for the office of President, is now arguing that same sex marriage should be a "Constitutional Right." God says otherwise (Romans 1:24-28 NLT).

Observed other news headlines in our nation today with great sadness:
Then I considered the number of abortions in our country since the 1973 ruling of Roe vs. Wade as well as the current dramatically bleak U.S. National Debt figures. Other ungodly activities are listed in this article.

Then I pondered the fact that all of the above ungodly events were (and are presently) happening "while men slept." Thankfully, God does not slumber or sleep (Psalm 121:4). He's fully aware of all of the above ungodly activities and events (Psalm 11:4-7; Psalm 33:13-15). One day, He will balance the books (Psalm 62:9; 2 Corinthians 5:10 NET), rendering righteous judgment upon all nations, including America (Acts 17:30-31).

Beloved, "What Difference Does It Make?" It makes all the difference in the world to God (Psalm 33:12; Psalm 9:17 - note the contrast).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
