"Would Roses Cost A Lot, Mister?"

The following bulletin article was written by Brother Morris Thurman, former preacher for the Memorial Road congregation, on June 26, 1977. It’s a great human interest story about sacrifice that bears repeating today:

Henry Penn, the Boston florist who originated the slogan, “Say It With Flowers,” told how one morning two boys and a girl came into his florist shop and said: “We’re the flower committee and we would like some nice yellow flowers, sir. Do you have any yellow flowers? He would like them better if they were yellow. He had a yellow sweater.”

“Are they for a funeral?” asked Penn. The children nodded “yes” and kept back the tears. “She’s his sister,” one of the boys explained. “He was good kid, a truck yesterday — we were playing in the street — we saw it happen.” Then the other boy added, “Us kids took up a collection. We got eighteen cents — would roses cost a lot, mister? Yellow roses?”

Touched by the story of the tragedy and the loyalty of the kids, Henry Penn replied, “I have some nice yellow roses here that I am selling for eighteen cents a dozen just this morning.” The sympathetic florist accepted the eighteen cents and the committee carried away the flowers they had chosen. Said Penn, “I felt uplifted for days. I had been given the inexpressible privilege of sharing something.”

As Christians, we too have that inexpressible privilege of sharing. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Corinthians 4:7). “We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us.” To share the glorious Good News of salvation in Christ, “we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). We want all to know “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). In love and compassion, we share the knowledge of Christ.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
