"Why Bypass Thanksgiving Going Directly To Christmas?"

For the past few years, local radio station iHeart Radio, Sunny 99.9, begins the "holiday" season by playing Christmas music starting on November 1st. So, this brings us to the question, "Why bypass Thanksgiving going directly to Christmas?"

One telling word comes to this writer's mind, and that word is Greed (see article). The reason for starting Christmas music on November 1st, is simply because Christmas music is one of the motivating forces which helps generate more revenue at Christmas, than there is generated at Thanksgiving (are we really thankful?). The more material goods retailers can sell consumers, the more profits they will have. Will the employees who work for these retailers profit in seeing increased wages? No, but the six-figure executives certainly will (guess they are more "innovative" than us common folks).

Today, we have an "affluence" epidemic that's rarely been seen in any other society that's ever existed on earth (not unlike the society found during the days of the Roman Empire). Greed existed then as well (2 Peter 2:1-3 NLT - note the word "greed" in vs. 3). Greed is just one of the many vices that is causing America's decline (see here). Sad to say, man is "never satisfied" with what God has provided him (Job 20:20; Proverbs 27:20) -- always wanting "more, more!" (Proverbs 30:15).

Beloved, during this upcoming "holiday season" ..... let us learn to be thankful to the God of heaven for the material blessings with which He has so graciously and richly showered upon us (James 1:17; cf. John 3:27).

And one more thing we need to remember ..... the best remedy for greed is "generosity" (1 Timothy 6:17-18; cf. 2 Corinthians 8:1-5).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
