Words Of Wisdom And Fair Warning

Since resigning from our local school district back in March of 2017 (see here), this writer makes a daily effort to take a morning and evening walk in order to maintain my health. An individual can learn a great deal simply by walking (see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here).

One of the many things that I've learned while walking, is that people don't obey the words written on a traffic sign (just like they don't obey the speed limit). Just this afternoon, I was attempting to walk across a street where a stop sign was in plain view.

Experience and a knowledge of human nature has warned me to never try to cross a street when there is an automobile present, simply because (1) everyone is in a hurry to get nowhere, and (2) some folks have little or no regard for other people when they are in a 6,000 pound automobile (they are more than likely the by-product of the "Me" generation - selfish and self-serving).

So, to the reading audience of this blog, I'm providing you with the above words of wisdom and fair warning not to trust anyone behind the wheel of an automobile (see here), especially if you cause them to actually have to "stop" for you or if they perceive you as one who is impeding their forward progress. Somehow, getting into a high-powered automobile, changes a person's mindset and personality from being a mild-mannered individual, to suddenly becoming a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (see here). See some reasons for what causes road rage here.

And here are some closing words of wisdom for those folks who are seemingly always in a hurry in our fast-paced digital age: We might need to slow down and smell the roses! (see here). And an application of Matthew 7:12 wouldn't hurt either.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
